Dear E-SWAN members,
It is time to prepare the renewal of the E-SWAN Executive Board (ExB)..
The ExB consists of
President and Vice President are ExB members for four years, the General Secretary, the Executive Director and the Treasurer for two years. The Chair of the Council is elected by the Council and therefore not subject to an E-SWAN-wide election and not concerned by this announcement.
The current ExB President (Stefaan Poedts) will stay on until the E-SWAN General Assembly (GA) meeting late in 2026, first as President and in his last year in office as Vice President. All other positions will be open for election/re-election prior to the GA meeting in November 2024 in Coimbra, Portugal.
We search for volunteers to apply for serving on the ExB, starting November 2024. The E-SWAN GA will elect four members for the new ExB from among the applicants declared eligible by the ExB Search Task Force. To be considered eligible the applicant must be an E-SWAN member during the month of October 2024 (the period of application review and voting). Article 4 of the E-SWAN Statutes stipulates further that the applicant's country of affiliation must belong to Europe. The candidate's nationality is not relevant.
Note that the object of a valid application is a seat on the ExB, not a specific role. The distribution of roles will be decided within the ExB upon internal discussion and agreement. The applicant must be prepared to assume a two-year or a four-year appointment, depending on the agreed ExB role distribution. The new ExB composition including role assignments will be confirmed shortly before the ESWW 2024. The new ExB will take function right after the ESWW 2024.
A complete application for an ExB seat includes:
Self-nominations and third-party nominations are permitted. For a third-party nomination the agreement of the proposed candidate must be sought by the proposer and submitted together with the application documents.
The website for submission of applications for an ExB seat will be open until September 30, 2024.. The review of applications by the Search Task Force will take place between October 1 and October 14, 2024. The website for electronic voting by the GA will be open from October 15 to October 31, 2024.
The ExB Search Task Force:
Andrea Opitz
Dalia Buresova
Paolo Romano
Robertus Erdelyi