E-SWAN Newsletter

PubCom, E-SWAN Newsletter Editor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
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Volume 2023 Number 6 - September 7, 2023

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 September 2023 - Meeting E-SWAN at ESWW 2023 (by Luca Spogli, President of E-SWAN)

Autumn is just around the corner and the rush towards the next European Space Weather Week initiates. ESWW is a pivotal event for our community working on different aspects of Space Weather and Space Climate. E-SWAN is proud to announce the organization of an exhibition stand in the dedicated sponsor area of Centre de Congrès Pierre-Baudis, Toulouse. Thus, E-SWAN will also be present in the SWx Fair Event, taking place on Wednesday evening. This presents a meaningful opportunity to meet with representatives from E-SWAN committees and working groups, gaining insights into ongoing activities and the chance to become involved in future endeavors.

Stay tuned for more information regarding the program at the E-SWAN booth!

Luca Spogli,

President of E-SWAN

 Topical Issues open for submission

"Observing, modelling and forecasting TIDs and mitigating their impact on technology", deadline 1 June 2024

Topical Editor-in-Chief (T-EiC):

   Anna Belehaki (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), National Observatory of Athens, Greece

   Iurii Cherniak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, USA.


"Solar Sources of Space Weather", deadline 30 September 2023

Topical Editor-in-Chief (T-EiC):

   Judith de Patoul (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

   Solar–Terrestrial Centre of Excellence, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium

Forthcoming papers

Interested in the newest publications? Sign up for e-mail alert 


Can space activities be made environmentally sustainable? (19 November 2023, Toulouse, France)

WG8-Sustainability is delighted to announce that it is organising a Sustainability Workshop on the Sunday preceding the ESWW19, in the same venue. The aim of the workshop is to share ideas, good practices, and discuss how we can go ahead and leave a sustainable future for the next generations. 


PhD Opportunities

The Max Plank Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen, Germany, is inviting applications for several Ph.D. positions in Solar System Science to start in 2024. List of open projects is available at https://www.mps.mpg.de/phd/open-projects

More details can be found under: https://www.mps.mpg.de/phd/applynow

Review of applications will begin on 1 October 2023, and at least two letters of recommendation will have to be received by 10 October 2023.


UK Space Weather & Space Environment Meeting I: Transitioning from the SWIMMR Space-Weather Programme (12-15 September 2023, Cardiff, Wales, UK)

The programme for the upcoming “UK Space Weather & Space Environment Meeting I: Transitioning from the SWIMMR Space-Weather Programme” is now available here.

We have an exciting set of posters, plus four days plenary and parallel sessions covering: policy and strategy; SWIMMR; users; instrumentation; research, forecasting, and modelling; SSA/SST; and Space Safety.

In addition, please note that the extended early-bird deadline of 17 July 2023 is fast approaching. Register before the prices increase in stages until the registration close on 04 September 2023.

The meeting is open to the world, and indeed we encourage international involvements and collaborations.

Please see here for all meeting details including updates on travel and venue information.

4th workshop of the Solar and Heliospheric Italian Community (SoHe4) (25-27 October 2023, Florence, Italy)

“Heliophysics in Europe” Workshop (30 October - 3 November 2023, ESA ESTEC – Noordwijk, Netherlands)

Heliophysics (including space weather) encompasses space plasma physics throughout the solar system, from Sun to the solar wind, planets (including the Earth) and small bodies. 

Heliophysics has a large and active international community, with significant expertise and heritage in the European Space Agency and Europe. 

The ESA Heliophysics Working Group acts as a focus for discussion, inside ESA, of the scientific interests of the Heliophysics community, including the European ground-based community and data archiving activities.

The  ESA Heliophysics Working Group has organised the meeting ‘Heliophysics in Europe’ to improve communication between the European Heliophysics community and the various ESA directorates involved. The meeting will highlight opportunities existing in those directorates, but also look to identify synergies spanning directorates and possible future coordination efforts. 

Areas of mutual interest already identified include archiving, data formats and discoverability, as well as improved connection to the modelling and ground-based community. 

The focus will not be on specific missions, or regions or bodies in the solar system, but in terms of Heliophysics phenomena and processes that cut across ESA.

This will allow better connection of all parts of the Heliophysics community (as described above) to all relevant parts of ESA and vice versa. The meeting will be split into the following sessions, each with dedicated discussion sections and posters.

Session 1: ESA Heliophysics activities

Session 2: Building Bridges in Heliophysics: open questions, missing observations, measurements, models, and investigative techniques

Session 3: Building a European Heliophysics network and community hub

Session 4: Workshop Reporting, Summary, SWOT discussion and next steps

The meeting will run from lunchtime on monday 30 October to lunchtime on Friday 3 November 2023 and will have online connectivity.

Registration is open (free) and abstract submission, deadline 15 September 2023.



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