Operational activities, infrastructure, data, and models (OAIDM)
This working group (WG) is dedicated to reviewing, proposing, and harmonizing operational activities, infrastructure, data, and models in Space Weather and Space Climate (SW&SC).
- Infrastructure:
- Identify the specific needs in terms of infrastructure/instrumentation in this context and determine which of them is under-funded;
- Support for ground-based facilities for SW&SC research and forecasting is often lacking;
- Identify available budgets and funding sources;
- Data:
- Establish an open data policy and provide recommendations on data format;
- Provide guidance on how to validate data products;
- Promote for instrument operation and long-term data storage;
- Identify what has already been done to manage easily large amounts of data in different fields;
- Identify models capable of providing space weather hindcast, forecast and nowcast;
- Support the validation of the models and identification of their capabilities and limitations;
- Assist in the blending of data and models through data assimilation and validate the results by comparing them to standalone codes;
- Assess and enhance international collaborations
- Chair: Marie Dominique
- Co-Chair: Elena Driver and Dalia Burešová
- WG Secretary: Marianna Korsos
- Chairs:
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- David Berghmans (STCE- SIDC Royal Observatory of Belgium)
- Dalia Buresova (Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS, Czech Republic)
- André Csillaghy (FHNW)
- Sergio Dasso (AFE (UBA-CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Véronique Delouille (STCE/Royal Observatory of Belgium)
- Domenico Di Mauro (NGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
- Marie Dominique (STCE- SIDC Royal Observatory of Belgium)
- Elena Driver (Mary’s University London)
- Robertus Erdelyi (v.F.-S.) (University of Sheffield)
- Agnieszka Gil (Space Research Centre PAS and Siedlce University, Poland)
- Antonio Guerrero (Universidad de Alcalá)
- Veronika Haberle (Royal Belgium Institute for Space Aeronomy)
- Rayan Imam (INGV (stituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
- Giovanna Jerse (INAF Astronomical Observatory of Trieste (Italy))
- Timothy Kodikara (German Aerospace Center (Germany))
- Carlos Larrodera (Universidad de Alcalá)
- Ewelina Lawrence (British Geological Survey)
- Laure Lefevre (Royal Observatory of Belgium – WDC-SILSO)
- Yana Maneva (Royal Observatory of Belgium)
- Vincent Maget (ONERA)
- Marianna Korsos (University of Catania, Italy)
- George Omondi (Maseno University)
- Laurianne Palin (Thales Alenia Space)
- Yuri Shprits (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany/ University of Potsdam Germany/ University of California Los Angeles, US)
- Jaroslav Urbář (IAP CAS, Czech Republic)