Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I)
E-SWAN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Working Group (WG) is dedicated to promoting DE&I within the association and interacting with similar working groups in relevant associations.
Diversity and inclusion are widely recognized within the E-SWAN community as essential features of excellence in the space weather and space climate activities. E-SWAN provides a safe, welcoming environment and favours an inclusive culture that supports the success of each individual E-SWAN member and their activities.
E-SWAN aspires to operate as a model organization for advancing diversity and inclusion in the space weather and space climate community.
- Promote DE&I within all E-SWAN-related events in collaboration with the ESWW PC and EOCom.
- Raise awareness about DE&I in the E-SWAN community.
- Promote E-SWAN’s vision and values on DE&I to foster a culture within E-SWAN that embraces these principles at every level of our organization.
- Provide accessibility to everyone for space weather and space climate related events, such as conferences, workshop or websites.
- Write E-SWAN DE&I Statement.
- Develop DE&I WG strategic plan.
- Organize a DE&I event accompanying E-SWAN booth at the European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse titled << Tackling Challenges for developing E-SWAN Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy>>.
- Chair: Rayan Imam (INGV, Italy, Chair)
- Co-Chair: Maxime Grandin (University of Helsinki, Finland, Co-Chair)
- Chairs:
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- Stijn Calders (BIRA–IASB, Belgium)
- Véronique Delouille (Royal Observatory of Belgium)
- Maxime Grandin (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Rayan Imam (INGV, Italy)
- Marianna Korsós (Catania University, Italy),
- Audrey Schillings (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Timothy Kodikara (DLR, German Aerospace Center)